Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rio Tomebamba


The riverfront of the Tomebamba River is beautiful and I have been fortunate to enjoy it multiple times every day.  The river separates the historical and the modern city.  Those that live on the more modern side, as does Lindsay, have to cross the river to go into the historical, or main part of town.  The Barranco is a residential area and cultural district and is located on the lower side of the river.  There are grand houses hanging over the steep riverbank.  The lower floors are at the base of the river and the top floors are five stories up where the historical city is. There are many walking and driving bridges that take you up to the city.  I walk up the steps pictured above and to this day, my body has not adjusted to the incline.  Cuenca is over 8,000 feet above sea level and I am reminded of that every time I climb those steps.  It is always busy at the base of the stairs as people are coming and going.  Venders are usually situated in the area for the afternoon crowds.  Many people relax in the grassy areas along the river and some use the river for washing clothes.

1 comment:

  1. I love the stonework! Real art. Some of the Graffiti looks intentional and is and interesting juxtaposition of old with new art.
