Wednesday, February 2, 2011


In school during our "cocktail class" we made Canelzo and a Passion Fruit drink.  
That was one fun class.

Canelazo is  Ecuador's answer to our hot toddy.  It is made with Aguardiente, a sugar cane spirit that is sharper than rum, sugar, cinnamon and hot water.  Usually juices and honey are added.  It is served warm.  We had some while in the park watching fireworks and many restaurants give it to you.  
Its good and quite potent.

The only beers that you find around here are Pilsener  and Club, which are fine but not great.
The wines  are from Chile and Argentina.

1 comment:

  1. How did you know what i was thinking after reading that blog on all the fruit juices. The possibilities seem immense.
