Wednesday, February 16, 2011

On the Middle of the World and More

Last day, means fit all that is left, in!  

So, we headed for La Mitad del Mundo, or the Middle of the World.  About 20 km from Quito, is that middle of the world, where the northern and southern hemisphere are divided , and where Ecuador gets its name.  As hokey as it is, Lindsay and I  took turns with one foot on the northern and the other on the southern hemisphere. We just had to do it.  

We then made our way to see Oswaldo Guayssamin´s paintings.  He is the most renowned contemporary artist in Ecuador and is famous for his round eyed women and children, and for his paintings of hands.  His hand paintings are huge and blocky and are doing many things: praying, clenching, reaching out, and giving tenderness, to name a few.  They are sad but hopeful at the same time.  There were many paintings from his series, Age of Tenderness and Age of Anger, with many more paintings to see.   Guayssamin´s work is dedicated to the hope of peace for all.    I was not sure what I thought about them, but when I saw them in person and learned more about Guayssamin as an artist, I now love them and am very touched by them. They are haunting, but lovely, and ever lasting in your mind.   I have a great appreciation for him and his work, now that I have gotten to experience it.   

After seeing Guayssamin´s gallery, home and place for all to worship, we went to one of Quito´s big tourist attractions - the TeleferiQo. The 6 person cable car took us up the Volcan Pichincha to reach the top at 4050 meters.   We were in the dark clouds at the top, as we looked down to the city that still had the sun shining upon it.  It was nice to see the city from so high above as I am about to leave this wonderful country.

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