Tuesday, February 1, 2011


My school offers salsa dancing lessons twice a week.  They were always a blast.  How can you not love that Latin music?  Francisco, the salsa instructor was a great teacher.  It was a challenge because every class had newcomers mixed in with those that had already attended some classes.  And then there were those that could dance and couldn't dance, and those that could hear the beat and couldn't hear the beat.  Francisco taught us many basic salsa steps that were great fun and a bit of a challenge.  Just as many of us were "getting it" our hour was up.  It was so lively and entertaining that our hour always flew by.

1 comment:

  1. Let's have a dance party when you get home! We can warm up with my Dancin' with the Stars exercise video, do the Salsa section and then you can teach us what you know.
