Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Orquideas del Ecuador


Lindsay and I visited an orchid nursery on Sunday (1/23) where they cultivate many different kinds of orchids and other plants.  We were told that there are the beginnings of one thousand young orchid plants in just one small glass bottle (see the above picture).   I can't really tell many details because our young guide spoke en Spanish, naturally, but I did see the plants in the different stages of growth from the beginning through maturity.  When the plants were big enough to be removed from the glass bottle, they were put in trays and then into small little pots.  Eventually, they were placed in bigger pots.  In some of the rooms there were big fans offering cooler air.   There were orchids of many beautiful colors, sizes and shapes.  Some were familiar and many were orchids I had never seen before.  Check out the one pictured above that has the face of a monkey inside.  It was truly amazing and beautiful to see so many beautiful flowers.  


  1. These orchids are fab-u-lous. SO beautiful. The pictures you took are great, Karen. The colors are so vibrant and the monkey orchid is unreal! That thing looks like it has a little baby monkey head inside of it! Wow. I wish I was there with you two. I wanna see some mini-orchids, did they have any of those? Like dwarfed ones or even just baby orchids with little tiny flowers - or do they not flower when they are babies? Ha! Love you!

  2. That monkey orchid was awesome! What a wonderful experience you are having. And I am so glad you are sharing it this way. I was in Wisconsin last week, it was 20 below when I got up on Friday morning. So now you will appreciate your warm weather all the more with this information.
