Saturday, January 15, 2011

TV Star?!?!?!

Fausto, my professor, and I went on another outing the other day.  I love going on outings because Fausto is so knowledgable, I learn so much about the city and its history and it is a time that we really practice Spanish as it really pushes me to communicate.  Thursday (1/13) we went to the Catedral Vieja, located on the main square, very close to my school.  It began as a mud and straw chapel after the city was founded, and then expanded in 1567 using the stones of the destroyed Incan city of Tomebamba.  As we were touring the church, a man from a TV station asked Fausto if he could interview me.  YIKES, I had only had eight days of Spanish lessons at that point!  Fausto said that would be fine and he assured me that he would help out as needed. We were placed next to a beautiful wooden replica of the Catedral Nueva for the interview.  Before I knew it, the filming began and I was asked what I liked about Cuenca and of the replica of the church.  I was able to say that I liked the climate and the people and beyond that,  I can't really remember what else I said.  Fausto never had to help me out during the interview and afterward he told me I did so well that I wouldn't need a test, as that was enough to know I passed!  Today, I learned from Conchita that it actually was on TV that night.  She said it showed me walking through the church and our interview.   She thought I did a great job and said I said "la catredal" perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. I am SO proud of you, Auntie Karen! Is there any possible way to see that news clip? What station was it on? I love how adventurous you are. The average american with 8 days of spanish under his/her belt would likely not be so brave as to go on local television! You never fail to inspire me. Love you!
